We are a combo of four people with exactly the different backgrounds that are needed for a production like this:

Jörg Lukas Matthaei has been translating social and scientific issues into artistic performances for more than 20 years. They come across as quirky and at the same time invite people from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Alexandra Lauck has worked for a long time as an author and in public relations with artists such as Rimini Protokoll and Gob Squad.

Fabian Kuehlein, has been creating and producing radio plays and features since 2006 and is constantly finding new ways to make interview formats stimulating and lively.

Chris Umney is a founding member of the electronic music collective Wevie Stonder, which released four albums and two EPs on the Skam and Sonig labels between 2000 and 2009. His portfolio also includes compositions for art installations, field recordings for radio broadcasts and various commissioned works.